
4101 Greenbriar Street
Suite 320
Houston, TX 77098

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    Proven Technologies to Improve Hearing

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Healthcare News

  • COVID-19 and hearing loss: what we know

    COVID-19, also known as the coronavirus, has now been linked to many long-term complications, including heart damage, lung damage and neurological disorders. One emerging area of research is whether hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) can result from coronavirus infection—either as a symptom or as a complication days or weeks later.

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  • What kind of specialist should I see for my hearing loss?

    With so many different titles, credentials and specialties, it can sometimes be hard to determine which type of professional to see for your particular ear or hearing concern. How do you know when to see an audiologist versus an ENT, for example? What about a hearing instrument specialist?

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  • Hearing loss and listening fatigue

    Ever feel exhausted after listening to someone speak for a long time? While it might be tempting to blame the speaker for being boring, in reality you might have what's known as listening fatigue.

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  • 10 things you need before buying hearing aids

    Have you finally decided it's time to stop missing out on the important sounds of your life and take action to correct your hearing loss? That's great! Hearing aids will likely improve not just your ability to communicate but also your health. But hearing aids are a major purchase, so it's important to make sure you're prepared.

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  • Why do my ears feel clogged?

    There are times when you purposely plug your ears—think fingers or earplugs—and then there are, well, other times when your ears feel clogged for no good reason.

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